The best Polish film in 2009, awarded the Grand Prix at the Gdynia Film Festival and the Eagle of the Polish Film Academy. Set in the 1950s, Reverse tells the story of Sabina (Agata Buzek) – a modest employee of a publishing house, a ‘grey mouse’, who her mother (Krystyna Janda) and grandmother (Anna Polony) unsuccessfully try to wed. All of the sudden, a handsome, although dark, man (Marcin Dorociński) turns up in her life and his presence starts a series of surprising events. Borys Lankosz’s black comedy, depicting three generations of Polish women, tells a lot about the horrors of the Stalinist era, but a bit about modern times as well.
guest: Malwina Tuchendler
Born in the very beggining of ’90s in the Valley of Kłodzko. Studied culture studies and Jewish studies at the University of Wrocław. She won a scholarship at Paideia – The Institute for Jewish Studies in Stockholm, Sweden and in Scuola Holden in Turin, Italy where she followed screewriting and performing arts. She was in charge of music department at Radio Luz, performed in Scuderia Teatro performing group. For a few years she has been involved in Jewish Community in Wrocław ad multicultural educator and translator. She currently works for the Bente Kahan Foundation. Co-author of a few shorties and articles to “Chidusz”, “Notatnik Teatralny”, and online magazines and